Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 1.  For Me, This Will Be A Religious Experience

This July 30th, I, the actual real person behind these words, will be getting married.  I presume that it will be one of the happiest days of my life, barring anything profoundly stupid or tragic happening that might be out of my control.

From the time I've proposed until now, I've had a bit of writers block.  I couldn't find the the thing to write about that I really, truly cared about, at least not in a way that could be truly heard.

I felt badly that I couldn't (or didn't) write anymore, but no experience I could write about seemed appropriate.  I had also, at the time, been taking on more responsibilities at work and had multiple health problems in the late Summer and early Fall.

In short, it never felt right.

The concept for this particular blog came to me a few days after meeting the Deacon that is to perform the marriage.  Thoughts of Faith and Love, and Spirituality and the timing of it all.

That perhaps writing, like love, is never forced.

EVERY DAY for the next 40 days, (as some call it, Lent) I will be posting a piece of writing dealing with any number of topics.  The writing may be an essay on sports or pop culture, it may be a poem, or heck, maybe I'll throw in a fictional short story.  This is done mostly for my own benefit as a writing exercise, but I hope that you, my potential audience, gets some enjoyment out of the content as well.

Some topics I'll likely touch on.

-Bar Work/Something Bar Related
-Actively changing mindsets, from 20's to 30's or Holy Shit, Ryan Reynolds looks kinda old now.
-The Business of Athletics
-Am I Doomed to Hate New Music?
-Kobe and Jordan vs Curry and LeBron?  Kobe and LeBron vs Jordan and Magic?  The difficulty in cross comparing eras.
-What it's like to walk away from a dream.  My experience leaving Football.
-First Fictional Heroes

Plus More!

Not that I'm really selling this.  It's all free.  I'll be trying to figure out fancy graphics or something later. But really, you probably just clicked because you're bored and this showed up on your social media feed.

Should be fun.

Up Next: Day 2. A proper introduction.

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