Saturday, September 4, 2021

Game 1. The Intangibles

Photo Mike McGinnis/Getty Images

I've turned up my Penn State fandom recently. I've been checking for updates on the local podcasts and have even taken to listening to opposing teams' podcasts just for more content.

Most every preview I'm hearing has centered on the theme of Penn State's defensive line play against Wisconsin's offensive line; and on the flip side, will Sean Clifford and the PSU offense be able to explode for big plays without turning the ball over?

Those are the keys to the game from most prognosticators.  And they are right.

But that isn't what I'll be looking for.

I will be looking for leadership, discipline, and character.

By any measure, Wisconsin will be a difficult opponent for Penn State.  They have the physical talent and experience that is comparable in every way to Penn State and they will be playing at home.

Penn State will need to rely on its captains and best players to not only steady the team when adversity inevitably strikes, but also to focus the group after emotionally charged positive plays.

If either the team goes ahead to start, or falls behind, the subsequent reaction is a big indicator of the character this team will have and what we might expect for the season going forward.

Avoiding penalties for unsportsmanlike behavior, offsides and false starts will be essential.  The free yards from simply not being disciplined enough can often be the difference between a 3 and out or extending drives.

There will be chances to make big plays.  Obviously you would want the team to capitalize on every single opportunity.  No dropped passes.  No missed tackles.  Perfect snaps and holds in the kicking game.

But college football is rarely played at that high a level, and when it is, it isn't sustainable.  The team will need to lift each other up, continue to bond and become the best team it can possibly be.

The character of this team, if things go right or if they don't, will be on full display.  Will they bring full effort for the full game?  How will they respond to breakdowns and unexpected events such as injuries?

As we get set to watch these young people play a game against other young people, will they display the sportsmanship and respect for an opponent that we have come to value?

If Penn State is going to win a National Title in the near future, then it will begin with this "Show Me" game, where it will be the little things that take center stage.