I can tell you where it comes from.
Tom Brady is a known cheater.
Just like A-Rod, the Astros, and Lance Armstrong.
We know Tom to be a cheat.
We know that Tom Brady faithfully executed plans from 2001-2007 where the New England Patriots would illegally tape opponents to prepare specifically for the game plan that would be implemented against them.
The result looked like masterful play calling and execution, when in reality, New England simply cheated.
This resulted in at least 3 fraudulent Super Bowl wins that help cement the idea that Tom Brady and Bill Bellichick were simply smarter than everyone else. The amount of praise for this team seems to exemplify teamwork and sacrifice as more important than physical talent.
When you look at those first three championships, the common denominator was not overwhelming talent or skill at any position, but simply executing a winning play versus a losing play.
The cheating led directly to winning.
Then of course there was the deflating of footballs to make it easier to throw and catch and the subsequent lying and denials of it.
He has a notorious history of being less than forthcoming with any honest answers and leverages his accessibility towards only the friendliest of voices.
And now, of course, his trainer is associated with PED's.
But none of this is EVER brought up in the national conversation anymore. It seems the national media has decided that Tom Brady and his long history of cheating will not be further examined, and instead will be celebrated as the best to have ever played.
And now, of course, his trainer is associated with PED's.
But none of this is EVER brought up in the national conversation anymore. It seems the national media has decided that Tom Brady and his long history of cheating will not be further examined, and instead will be celebrated as the best to have ever played.
Well for one, the NFL is one of the biggest money making machines in the world, and Tom Brady is arguably it's biggest star. Calling him a cheat and the NFL a fraudulent league is not going to endear you to making money with the NFL.
So ESPN/ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC are effectively tied directly to the selling of this game to a consumer base eager to eat it up. It does not serve their interests to bring up news that might dissuade you from caring or watching the games.
Well for one, the NFL is one of the biggest money making machines in the world, and Tom Brady is arguably it's biggest star. Calling him a cheat and the NFL a fraudulent league is not going to endear you to making money with the NFL.
So ESPN/ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC are effectively tied directly to the selling of this game to a consumer base eager to eat it up. It does not serve their interests to bring up news that might dissuade you from caring or watching the games.
But maybe it's because we really wanted to believe that the 6th round pick from Michigan really beat the odds. That his story was such a relatable story for so many unathletic white guys. That you could be the best quarterback in the world while having almost zero athletic talent.
That is what the NFL wants to sell you. That is what Tom wants to sell you. That Tom's career was the result of hard work, and that his personal dedication and brilliant mind was what set him apart and not the cheating.
That is what the NFL wants to sell you. That is what Tom wants to sell you. That Tom's career was the result of hard work, and that his personal dedication and brilliant mind was what set him apart and not the cheating.
Tom Brady's statistics defy the odds and reality because the game was never fair. Brady's benefitted from a rigged system that allowed him to succeed where otherwise he would have failed.
Tom can certainly throw some accurate passes. He also certainly never seems rattled or confused. However, when you take into account that he was likely being fed exact defensive calls, it's a lot easier to play the position of quarterback.
The best comparison for Tom Brady is Lance Armstrong.
Tom can certainly throw some accurate passes. He also certainly never seems rattled or confused. However, when you take into account that he was likely being fed exact defensive calls, it's a lot easier to play the position of quarterback.
The best comparison for Tom Brady is Lance Armstrong.
Both championed by the media and the public. Sure they have some personal defects, but the public story would always be that it leads to great intense training. It led them to be champions.
Obviously Lance lied. He also steadfastly denied all wrongdoing and went after accusers.
He has a notorious history of being less than forthcoming with any honest answers and leverages his accessibility towards only the friendliest of voices.
Tom has been lying and less than honest his entire career. It's why he destroyed his phone. It's why he leverages his access against the cheating. It's why he bought a boat with PPP loans. It's why he's friends with Donald Trump and thinks he's great. Because Tom is a cheat and has gotten away with it.
He likes others willing to do the same.
Unlike Lance, the Patriots and Brady never were stripped of their titles. Never really held accountable. The NFL put pressure on teams to say that the biggest cheaters didn't really cheat and to try to make it all go away. Sure, they were fined and stripped of picks, but in the end, they let the cheaters remain and let them cheat some more.
No one talks about this anymore, and the NFL couldn't be happier.
But it should be brought up. Because Tom Brady doesn't deserve praise for being a willing liar and cheat.
If you want to praise him like a Barry Bonds, a Roger Clemens, A-Rod or a Lance Armstrong be my guest. He clearly understands the game and is a great player.
But he is a willing cheat.
When you are allowed to cheat the game and the system, especially the way he and his teammates did, it should never leave your legacy.
I know the sports' personalities will defend the cheating. Saying, "It wasn't that bad," "All teams are doing SOMETHING," "It's just some air."
That is the exact same defense of Lance Armstrong.
They need the story to hold that Tom is one of the greatest of All-Time because it's what a lot of Brady fans want to hear, and it's been the story the NFL, the Patriots and the media have been selling for years.
I write this because Tom Brady is a great player. I have no doubt about it. But he is also CLEARLY a cheater. Both things are true.
But only ONE is being brought up in the national conversation, and that is wrong.
To ignore this part is to lie to an audience, to purposefully hide the truth because a lie will sell better.
It is wrong, and it should be noted.
I know, I know.
Hater's gotta hate.
But a cheat is still a cheat.