Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville Is Trump's America

Look around people.  Nazis are back and they are louder than ever calling Trump their leader.
If you ignore that so that you can get wealthier, so that you can feel safer, shame on you. There is zero justification to trust this man.
His rhetoric and lack of empathy is endangering every American around the world. 
There is so little doubt that he has helped the recruitment of terrorists both domestically and abroad. 
As access This is not a man of peace and prosperity, but of war and chaos.
The country needs to fix this.
We need to fix this.
We need not fear about money or losing our place in the world economy.
Our trade will boom as long as we control the ports and passageways as well as continue to educate and innovate.
We need not fear, our economy is as much the world economy at large.  We account for 25% of the world GDP with 5% of the population.
By contrast China, and the ENTIRE EU account for less less while having roughly a billion more people on regards to China and the EU as a whole is still twice our size.
The bottom line being that we not fear for Money's sake to put up with a man who invites and incites violence at every step of the way.
I do not trust Trump in the slightest.  He is looking out for himself at all times and others last. 
He is the scum of this world.  A man hell bent on power mixed with xenophobia and ethnocentrism. 
It's absolutely more disgusting in my mind than 9/11.  It's the blackest cloud I've felt since Sandusky. 
Trump could be an individual wealthy piece of shot on his own time, but I would never have him represent me. 
He grabs pussies and laughs.
He screwed over people looking for an education and help and laughed.
He screwed over people looking for housing and laughed.
He is about to screw over America and laugh.
He does it all because he is rich and the system favors the rich, especially those that hold property and real estate in New York City.
Well now he has to represent people like me.  Who believe that how a President leads matter.  Where your words and thoughts matter.
Because as the President of the Country I believe in, you are supposed to represent ALL of us in the best light at ALL times. 
What happened in #Charlottesville, and what's going on all across the Country is Trumps America.  I divided chaotic Country where the laws will be different for whites and the wealthy while the poor and minorities bear the burden